

It was a dream come true, thought Lenny unlocking the door. He’d planned for it, saved for it, and now it was a reality. He and Sue were sharing a vacation together in a motel apartment just a few blocks up from Long Beach.

He’d been tracking Sue ever since she came to work at the same place he did, but he hadn’t found her an easy catch. Even by LA standards, Sue was a spectacular looking woman. She was tall, with shoulder-length hair. Her eyes were a lovely blue, like bits of violet sky and she had perfect features and very white teeth. She was also the kind of free- spirit that everyone admired. She often turned up to work in a jogging suit or short tennis skirt. She played golf and tennis and enjoyed swimming. He’d been trying to date her for the past year without any success. That is, without success until he’d hit on the idea of bribing her with an all-expenses paid long weekend at a classy beach resort. ‘A classy resort for a classy lady’, he’d told her, ignoring the fact that the smarmy flattery department had earned him zilch by way of her affection in the past.

The apartment was small and hardly luxurious. The bedroom looked vintage sixties, and the bathroom little better, and it was on the third floor and not served by an elevator. But that didn’t matter, did it? They were there for the sunshine and whatever could be made of the nights. At least he was.

They dumped their luggage as they entered, Lenny made light of the dingy interior – loved the character of it, he said, the quaintness, the charm. And wow! Sue didn’t ever blink when she saw there was only one bedroom and one bed. He made some fatuitous remark about testing the bedsprings, but Sue didn’t show any interest. She said she was hungry and wanted to go and eat.

They walked down a couple of blocks to Max’s Grill, a place that was pure 1920’s kitch, all palm fronds and Art Deco, and which all the travel brochures Lenny had researched promised had a lively atmosphere. When they arrived Sue said she didn’t want to go inside because it was too crowded and noisy, so they took a table on the sidewalk. Max’s place specialised in Mexican cuisine, but Sue said she was feeling vegetarian that day and ordered up a meatless salad and a yogurt. Lenny, trying to ingratiate himself with her, agreed that was a good choice and ordered the same.

They had barely begun eating when a tall, broad figure holding a plate loaded with hamburger and fries loomed over their table. “Hi!” the stranger said with a killer smile. “There’s a lack of eating space around here. Would you guys mind if I joined you?”

He was a man in his early twenties. His nylon shorts were black; his top was a pricey taupe polo shirt, white. Both were stunning contrasts to his deep suntanned skin and both revealed an impressive amount of well- toned muscle. The top hugged his broad shoulders and tapered to lean hips. In sharp contrast to Lenny who looked pallid and rained-on the newcomer was casual chic, very masculine – sex personified. Lenny bristled at the intrusion, but Sue took one look and invited him to sit down.

“I’m Hank,” he said briskly when Sue introduced Lenny and herself. He spoke in a pillowy bass, with a gentle West Coast accent. “You’re both looking pretty pink.” he observed dryly as he settled beside her.

“We’ve just come down from Crump Lake,” said Sue amiably, “we don’t start with the serious sunshine until tomorrow.” Hank popped a French fry into his mouth and chewed. “Mark Twain reckoned LA was a great place to live, but no one should want to visit it.” His smile mellowed into something intimate and way too friendly as he propped an elbow lazily on the table and leaned directly into Sue’s field of vision. “You smell great, by the way. Have I mentioned that?” The stranger’s look was all too familiar and loaded with sexual intent. Lenny had previously observed that Sue kept men at a distance by throwing them off balance in such circumstances. He expected her to jerk back, but she didn’t. Her expression went all soft and mushy. “I don’t think so, but a girl is always ready to hear that kind of thing.”

Hank grinned, flexing his arms to display his deeply tanned and nicely muscled biceps. It transpired he was a trainer in a gym, and he was the possessor of one of those LA bodies that were perfectly proportioned and rock hard. He was used to getting reactions from women, and avoidance wasn’t one of them. He didn’t think himself conceited, but he wasn’t blind either. He wasn’t oblivious to his own good looks – not his fault that he came from a great gene pool. Lenny shot Sue an accusing stare, wanting her to shut her mouth and stop drooling.

Music blared from the café. Hank gazed at Sue, to the curve of her jaw, slowly working its way lower, to her bare shoulders and along the low cut line of her bodice. “This is one of my favourite songs.” he said with just enough pout in his voice to make it sexy. “And here I am with no one to dance with.”

Hyperaware of his gaze Sue pushed away her plate. urfa escort “Lenny won’t mind if I take pity on you, will you Lenny?” Lenny shot her an accusing stare. “Er – no, I guess that’s okay.”

Sue stood up at once and with no more ado Hank put his hand in the small of her back and guided her in among the dancers.

Lenny watched them dance three dances, the last one a slow number which they did heads together, laughing, talking, absorbed with each other and oblivious to anyone else around them. Totally oblivious of himself. When they returned Sue was glowing and Hank appeared buoyant. “So, how’s it going?” this to Lenny who knew he had lost the fight to impress.

“So, so,” Lenny mumbled. He sensed he was in danger of being sidelined and set about trying to re-establish himself. “Would you like coffee, Sue.”

Her violet-blue eyes froze. “No coffee. Coffee as nine hundred different things in it that aren’t good for you.”

Hank chuckled. “We need to get you in training, missy. Coffee is a religion in LA.” He glanced sideways. “Say, Lenny. Go grab hold of a couple of six-packs from the store across the street. Sue’s invited me back to your apartment for a nightcap. “Don’t be too long, the last one in as to give me a kiss.” he added, eyebrows waggling.

It was the sort of demeaning humour that put the cork in the bottle for Lenny that evening. Disenchanted with events he sullenly queued for half an hour at a store to buy beer, and then made his way back to the apartment still with a sense of nagging dissatisfaction. He just didn’t figure it was right that he should be the one paying for the beer and carrying it home, while that big guy was already up in the apartment with his girl. Yes, he’d paid for Sue to be with him there, so she was his girl, and she was just as bad as the stranger. The way she’d simply walked off made him feel like she’d dismissed him from her thoughts. The woman was enough to make a man chew nails and spit rust, but he’d walk naked through a blizzard before turning her out. And he couldn’t blame her for being attracted to Hank. That guy gave out assurance like an old-time sea-captain, his strong face tipped to the wind, his capable hands on the wheel. Tanned and lean and muscled in all the right places. His shoulders so broad, his hair so black, his lashes so long and spiky. No wonder she’d gone overboard for him.

By the time he’d carried his burden back to the apartment he fancied the weight was near to pulling his arms out from their sockets. Hank was lounging on top of the bed with just a towel wrapped around his loins. “Where’s Sue?”

“In the bath,” Hank said, “she’s a spicy little number, ain’t she? She likes to experiment. Likes to move around. Girls enjoy a soak in the tub after they’ve been shagged.”

Lenny moped visually. It had taken him a whole year getting Sue sweet about this trip to Los Angeles, and during that time he’d never even had a glimpse of her underwear. Then along comes a guy like Hank, who screws her inside of an hour of first meeting her. “You – you made love to Sue?”

“Sure.” He gave him a bland smile and winked. That’s why you brought her here, ain’t it. For bedtime pleasure?” The man rose up, carelessly allowing the towel around his hips to drop away to reveal a mammoth- sized penis swinging over a pair of massive testicles. He hoisted a can out from Lenny’s burden, tore away the ring-pull and threw back his head to down half the contents in one go. Lenny watched his epiglottis bouncing up and down and endured the uncouth burp as he surfaced. “Ah, I needed that. I need replenishing. A chick like Sue knows how to pull the fluid out of a guy.”

Lenny was discomforted. He felt diminutive and weak in Hanks hulking presence, but he screwed up his nerve and confronted him. “Look, I’ve saved up a whole year to treat Sue to this vacation. It wouldn’t be right for you to develop a relationship with her now we’re here.”

Hanks contoured suntanned cheeks dimpled with saint and sinner charm. He drained the first beer as if it were a speed trial and reached for another. “Relationship! Well… the fact is…I don’t ever do relationships. I do one night stands or flings. Since you’re both here for a few days this will probably be a fling.”

Lenny’s features seemed to melt as if he were a chastened puppy and his lips twisted. “Hank, please, I…”

“You seem to think Sue belongs to you, like she’s a possession. What have you done to deserve her? You aren’t married.” Lenny swallowed but was too startled to speak, much less move. “Don’t get upset. You only brought her here so you could get laid, and since I can confirm she’s a hot mover there’s bound to be plenty left for you. “How old are you?”


“How long is it since you last dicked a chick?”

Lenny’s head moved with an infinitesimal wobble. “That’s personal.”

The stranger crossed his arms and watched Lenny’s face. “Come on, Lenny, we’re guys together. balıkesir escort No harm in sharing those kind of secrets.”

“Well…it was quite a while ago.”

“What I think you meant to say was, never. Right? You were hoping to make Sue your maiden voyage.”

One corner of Lenny’s mouth tipped up. “Am I that transparent?”

“Clear as a plastic wrap.” Hank replied with an irritating cheerful smile. “Let me take a look at you. I work a gym and I can judge potential in a guy.”

He stepped back slightly and shoved out his bottom lip as he deliberated. Lenny had the kind of narrow frame that a stiff breeze could blow over and he wasn’t in the same beach-boy league as himself, and just to emphasis how out of touch he was he wore baggy beach-shorts and one of those loud Hawaiian floral-pattern shirts middle-aged men thought the right thing to put on in the sunshine. He shook his head in mock despair. “You’re wearing sandals and socks, Lenny, an’ that’s not cool. Guys these days wear trainers or deck-shoes when they’re being active. They leave open-toed sandals to Jesus-Creeps and old men.”

Lenny let his hands fall to his side. “I like to wear sandals.” He was feeling helpless. His heart pumped frantically. Nervously, he watched as Hank moved, circling around him.

“Do yourself a favour and shake off the footwear. Ditch the shirt too and show me what sort of a man you are. Show me some muscle.” The man tugged at his clothes, but it wasn’t as if his touch repulsed Lenny. Just the opposite. The slight but proprietary and wholly male gesture of dominance far from repelled him. It made him feel hot, edgy and exposed.

“I – I don’t have much muscle to show.” he admitted.

“Uh-huh! You’re right.” agreed Hank as the shirt was removed. “You need to eat beef an’ start pumping iron, kid. No biceps to speak of; no pecs to write home about. I mean – you’re a ninety-eight pound weakling, more like a girl than a guy. I ‘spect you still call your mother, Mommy.”

“My mother likes me to call her, Mommy.” protested Lenny.

A hand impertinently touched the gently quivering hillocks of Lenny’s backside, making him bite his lip and blush as the stranger offered a mischievous grin. “Drop your pants an’ let’s see how your dickory-dock shapes up against mine.”

Lenny rebelled at the prospect of such intimacy, but the visitor took the law into his own hands, tucked his thumbs into Lenny’s waistband and pulled his pants down. Lenny jerked back suspecting the strangers look and touch were loaded with some form of indecent intent. Then it was obvious what he was doing. He was belittling him and making him feel the lesser man. Hank himself was gross in the male department. Lenny had always thought of his own penis as average size, but it was only half the dimensions of Hanks monster dangle. “Oh, go to hell.” he muttered softly under his breath.

“What was that?” Hank asked, his dark gaze falling on him like a hammer.

Lenny quaked at his own impertinence. He felt sure he came up short in Hank’s assessment because Hank himself was big. As he met the gaze of the tall muscular man he realised his bigness was more than just height and cock; everything about him looked overwhelmingly strong – starting with his jaw. He’d studied his legs, then his lean hips and the wedge of his torso. His shoulders were broad and his hands were large too. He had a nice smile, but like a Roman gladiator he looked like a no nonsense guy who wouldn’t put up with any foolishness from a physically inadequate man like himself. “I – I -.” He clamped his mouth shut. He may have his share of shortcomings but he didn’t want stuttering because a big man was giving him a hard glance to be one of them. “What I mean is…would you do me a favour and – leave?”

Hank stared at him as if he’d spoken in Swahili. Lenny thought he saw a wry twist at the corner of his mouth, but his eyes held his own, staring him down and making him shrivel inside. The other man raised his eyebrows and looked him over, like a lighthouse keeper judging the weather. “LEAVE? Are you throwing me out, Lenny?”

Lenny dipped his face and looked at the floor. “No, of course not. I couldn’t throw you out, could I? I know that. But you’re interrupting my weekend and proving a distraction to Sue, so couldn’t you just – go?”

Hank stood back and took a pull on his beer. “You’re not being very hospitable. I feel insulted. I’ve being gentle and patient – I’ve been a regular Boy Scout so far. But now you’re giving me cheek. You’re not showing me respect.” Quietly, he took a seat on the edge of the bed. “C’m here. Get down and put yourself over my lap.”

Lenny’s eyes opened wide in alarm and he swallowed hard. “Over your knee? Are you going to spank me?”

“Sure I am.”

“But – but Sue is only in the other room…”

“So let’s get going and have it done with before she comes in here.”

Lenny’s hands flew to cover his suddenly trabzon escort vulnerable feeling bare bottom. How could he compete with such a demanding giant? “Oh dear! You mustn’t – I mean – guys don’t spank other guys.”

“Wrong kid. Some fella’s need to be reminded of their place in life. You look fragile, so I’ll settle for a few little slaps. You’re a naughty boy giving me cheek, and I reckon it’s a fitting punishment. What do you think?”

“Umm…well…I guess that depends.”

Hank’s face creased in a stiff clownish grin. “Depends on what?”

Lenny squirmed. He felt torn, desperately not wishing to seem a fool with Sue so close at hand, yet utterly unable to defy Hank’s demand. He moved forward sulkily and blushed hard as his chin fell onto his chest. “Y-you won’t smack me hard, will you? I’m sorry I was cheeky, Hank. I won’t do it again.”

The stranger took an iron-hard grip on his arm and dragged him forward. “You understand. You got it in one. No need to explain things to you. You know you did wrong, and you know exactly what kind of treatment a naughty boy deserves.”

Lenny swivelled skittishly, but despite being hot with shame he lowered himself over the broad thighs and reached down to support himself with his hands on the carpet. Legs straight, bottom clenched, his testicles and penis squeezing against Hanks hot skin. A hand touched lightly, petting Lenny’s obediently up-thrust cheeks and making his hips jiggle. “Pretty ass, Lenny, but it’ll benefit from some colour.” observed Hank, reaching over to grasp his offside arm and twist it up his back – a sure-fire way of making sure he stayed in place if the going got tough. A big hand went up, and Hank brought it down with a resounding CRACK!

“Ooo!” It took Lenny by surprise and his left leg kicked up while his belly squeezed down on Hank’s bare thighs. He couldn’t help crying out. His backside felt like it was giving off sparks. “Push it up. Give that wiggly ass to me.” Hank insisted.

SMICK, SMACK! Two more blows swung down in rapid succession. “YEEE- EEEK!” Lenny whinnied as his bottom-cheeks bobbed up and down beneath the sizzling impact of the massive hand, and he yowled and bawled and finally burst into tears. Being spanked like a little girl was humiliating, sure. But it hurt too. His bottom was on fire.

It was a mercy when the big man eased him from his knees. Lenny stood in the middle of the room snuffling and sobbing. “My bum’s very sore. Please don’t smack me anymore.”

Hank’s eyes covertly raked Lenny’s body with a gaze as hot and smoky as his voice. “It’s a promise. No more smacks as long as long as you behave. In fact I kind of like you and reckon you deserve a hug.”

Lenny cast a speculative glance at him. The fire in the man’s eyes rocked him from head to toe and reached every secret place in between. “A hug?”

“Sure, a hug. You want me to like you, don’t you?”

“Yes, Hank.”

“Well, come and get it. It’ll be fun.”

When Hank beckoned, Lenny moved towards him with doe-eyes and a fragile shy smile. A kick of need bounced up and down inside him dissipating the result of the sharp, stingy blows he had recently received, and slowly, lifting an ambivalent gaze to his he moved closer, snuggling against Hank’s broad chest, tucking his head under his chin and blatantly enjoyed the Californian’s firm, bare body. When Hank squeezed him close he rose on his toes and arched his body against him, wiggling disgracefully until Hank took advantage by sliding his hands down to his hips and guiding him into the cradle of his thighs. “Are you going to be kind to me now?” cooed Lenny hopefully.

“Sure, you bet I am.” Hank replied pulling him close. He held him until he ceased snuffling, then kissed his brow and murmured down at him. “It’s done. No more spanks, not as long as you’re a good boy.”

The words, uttered in a deep voice, rubbed over Lenny’s senses like lush velvet. Heat flooded every follicle from breast to hairline. His nipples tingled and he didn’t try to move away. With a low growl the man wrapped both arms around him, big hands spanned wide over his buttocks, pressing him tight and close, and while one hand pressed him forward the other skated slowly up and down his body, skimming past his waist and then funnelling down to continue palming his bare bottom. Eyes glazed, cheeks flushed, Lenny’s moist mouth formed an ‘oh’ of reverence. Hank was touching him with gentle hands as if he were a precious work of art. But what was he thinking of allowing this stranger to fondle him so intimately?

Fingers spread wide; Hank’s other hand clasped his jaw and tipped his head back, forcing him to meet his gaze. His dark eyes smouldered as he nudged up his chin with a thumb, his lashes dropped to brush his cheek as he lowered his head to cover his mouth with a kiss that was all moist heat. “Aah, ooh, uuumm, oh, Hank!” for Lenny the kiss was all the more exciting because it wasn’t supposed to happen. It introduced an element of the forbidden. There was no finesse in the way he was being kissed, but he didn’t care. He slipped his arms around the big man’s bull-neck and kissed him back, engrossed in the moment and ignoring the style.

“Boy!” Hank exclaimed softly as he brought things to an end, “You’re some fun date. You liked doing that, huh?”

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