

Adam? Yes, Matty.

�2019 by Gamin Paramour
Comments are incredibly welcome, and I intend to answer everyone.(ail)

Disclaimer: Please keep in mind the usual legalese about this being a work of fiction involving sex acts between men and boys, and how you should obey every single law in your jurisdiction no matter how much you disagree with it. And please donate to Nifty if you possibly can to keep the lights on and the disk drives spinning.

Based on a true story! Unless the guy was bullshitting me, but I don”t think he was.

The following is a fictionalized version of a story I was told circa 1996 and said to be 100% true. In pillowtalk with a very nice younger man he told in great detail of how he, 14 years earlier at age 10, entered into a torrid love affair with his mother”s boyfriend.

I had no reason to doubt him. His telling of the story rang absolutely true and the love he felt for this man was evident in his every word, tone of voice and facial expression.

Having never been a boy in love with a grown man I couldn”t fully relate to “Matty,” but being a man who was once desperately in love with a young boy I could definitely understand what it must have been like for “Adam.” Thus, I wrote my fiction from the man”s perspective, despite having heard the story from the boy”s. It is a memoir, a man”s remembrance of the Love of his Life. I hope you enjoy it.

Gamin Paramour, October 2019

Part 1

I don”t know exactly how long I stood there with my mouth open. It felt like minutes but it must have been just a few seconds because there was no weird reaction. After a lifetime of covering up I guess I”m pretty good at displaying the public face. It”s just that his young beauty so surprised me — hell his existence so surprised me — that I needed a moment for processing.

“I”m sorry,” I stammered, “Did I come to the wrong door? I”m looking for Susan Watkins.”

“Right door,” he said in a clear mezzo-soprano, weighted with annoyance disguised as nonchalance. “My Mom”s still getting ready.” He spun on the ball of one bare foot and headed back to the sofa he had reluctantly left to answer the bell. I closed the door and followed him into the casually-appointed family room, where he proceeded to ignore me.

He was fully into his video game, some kind of motorcycle race through city streets. It was early in the evolution of game consoles, before the “awesome 128-bit graphics” and the bloody shoot-em-up scenarios, and it looked rather like an episode of the Speed Racer cartoon on the screen. I matched up his body language with a particular blue bike on the TV screen and observed that he was pretty good at piloting it.

“Nice move,” I said after he deftly avoided both a sudden obstacle and the computer-generated fellow racer that had crashed into it.

“Thanks,” he muttered flatly, betraying not the slightest interest in my opinion. Accepting that there would be no conversation, I took a chair out of his direct eye-line and let him concentrate. This was OK by me, since it offered an opportunity to truly drink him in.

I took him for nine or ten, a wavy-haired blond with amazing pale green eyes and the kind of pink-white skin I thought was reserved for cherubs in Renaissance paintings. Those green eyes were big and intense as they darted around the video screen. His small mouth with lips sculpted by God Himself made faces as he twisted and tortured the game controller as if it made a difference to the way his bike performed.

His body was trim but not especially athletic, only slight muscle definition marring what I considered the perfection of his well-proportioned, baby-smooth arms and legs. I could see those appendages clearly because he was wearing a snug gray sleeveless t-shirt with the name Dugan Elementary and a caricature of a dragon, and slightly too-tight navy blue gym shorts. The outfit struck me as gym clothes purchased last fall for the school year that was nearing completion, which would have to do until Mom took him back-to-school shopping again at the end of the summer. One particularly broad gesture with the controller brought his arm above shoulder level, revealing a tantalizing glimpse of the pale, soft, utterly smooth hollow of his underarm. Susan could take all night to get ready for our date as long as I could sit and gaze at this little beauty.

The doorbell rang and the boy grunted in annoyance.

“Don”t get up,” I said, already rising. “I”ll get it.”

He nodded, making a half-second of eye contact, the first since he”d turned his back on me at the door. “Thanks,” he said, this time with a tiny trace of actual gratitude. “It”ll be Gina, the sitter.”

I swung open the door and found a nerdy-cute girl of fifteen or so with oversize black glasses and mousy brown hair over her collar. She reacted in surprise to see me, but flashed a quick and broad grin. “Hi, I”m Gina,” she said, and offered a small hand. “I”m sorry I”m a few minutes late, but my Mom had to pick up my brother at the library and, as always, he was late.”

“Adam,” I said, shaking her hand and surprised at her grip. “No problem. Susan is still getting ready anyway.”

On cue, her disembodied voice came down the stairs, “Hi Gina. Be right down!”

“Hi Mrs. Watkins,” the girl called brightly. I ushered her in and she walked straight to the living room, depositing her purse and backpack on the chair I had occupied.

“Hi Matty,” she said to the boy. “Hey, you”re up to level 6. You”re doing pretty good.”

Matty, I thought. Matthew. Nice name. Biblical, evoking images of choir boys in silky white robes. I tried to remember if I”d ever known a Matthew.

“Good enough to beat you any day,” he teased Gina. Then I saw him smile for the first time, and I don”t know if the whole room actually lit up or if it was just me. He and Gina did a little back-and-forth trash talk and he was a whole other kid all of a sudden, just as bright and engaged as he had previously been taciturn. Maybe it was just me he didn”t like.

“Ready ready ready,” Susan said, coming quickly down the stairs while trying unsuccessfully to put on an earring. When she stopped at the bottom she was finally able to get the post through her piercing. “I hope I didn”t make us late for our reservation.”

I hadn”t seen her dressed up before, only in her nursing scrubs at the hospital. She was lovely, nearly as beautiful as her son, and that thought made me imagine her at his age, and how my little heart would have thumped in puppy love for her. I had to yank myself back to the present.

“No, certainly not,” I said, awkwardly half-leaning-in for a greeting kiss, which she awkwardly pulled away from, and I awkwardly abandoned. I broke the awkwardness by looking at my watch. “We”re good on time, but we should probably get going in case of traffic.”

“OK,” she said, stepping quickly into the living room. “Hey, big guy,” she said to Matty. “Come give your old lady a kiss because you”d better be in bed when I get home.” The boy made no protest, just paused the game, ran to his Mom and happily hugged her. He craned his neck up for a big smooch right on the lips.

“I love you, Mom,” he said with sincerity.

“Me too, kiddo,” she said, equally sincerely. Breaking away she said, “Gina, he”s already had his dinner but if you guys want something later there”s cold pizza in the fridge.”

“Thanks, Mrs. Watkins,” the girl said, plugging in a second game controller for the inevitable challenge.

“And he needs a bath,” Susan threw over her shoulder as she picked up her purse from a side table. “The neighbors are starting to complain.”

Matty made an exaggerated mad face at her and then laughed. I found his grin absolutely transcendent.

Susan was still chuckling as we walked to my car. I opened the door for her and closed it when she was comfortably inside, gentlemanly as hell. When we were both buckled in and driving I finally turned to her and said, “So… You”ve got a kid.”

She looked at me, somewhat defiantly I thought. “Yeah. Is that a problem?”

“Not at all,” I said. “I like kids.”

Now that was the understatement of the year.

For the rest of the drive to the restaurant, and throughout dinner, Susan explained her domestic situation, and since she was talking mainly about one of the most beautiful ten-year-old boys I”d ever seen, I was a rapt audience.

Matty”s father had died in a car wreck just before the boy turned three. She tried for a while to keep his memory alive with pictures and anecdotes and assurances that his father had loved Matty more than anything, but the kid was young and didn”t really grasp the concept. By age six Matty understood that his father was dead, that he hadn”t left voluntarily, and that it wasn”t Matty”s fault, but it was all intellectual and, for all practical purposes, Matty had never had a Dad.

Susan insisted that she was not on a quest to remedy that by finding him one. She was looking for a man for herself, but she had to keep Matty foremost in her mind when making her choices. As she said, when you”re a single Mom everything is ultimately about your kid. Too many times ankara türbanlı escort a man she dated would seem nice and say all the right things concerning Matty, but soon she would discover that he didn”t really like kids very much, or he wasn”t ready for anything long-term if a child came with the deal, or resented the boy for being in the way of things like impromptu weekends in hotels with hours of no-strings sex.

One guy she dated for nearly two months talked a good game about wanting to settle down and be a family, until his comments began to focus on when he and Susan would have children of their own and be a “real” family. Aghast at the prospect of Matty being the odd-boy-out compared to this guy”s biological children, he was shit-canned like spoiled milk stinking up the fridge

Another guy, Kevin, had almost put her off dating completely, playing up to Matty and getting the boy to like him with gifts and trips to the movies and the like. By the time Susan realized Kevin was only using Matty to get to her, and only for cheap sex at that, the boy was emotionally involved and hurt terribly by the breakup.

So, she developed this strategy of not telling her date about Matty, and she would secretly watch the man”s initial reaction. The eyes tell all, she said, and apparently my eyes told her that I was very pleased indeed to meet her son.

I was glad they didn”t tell her anything else.

Not so with several others, she told me. Some failed the test, and Susan broke it off quickly. Some got pissed at the deception, one of them stalking off in a huff and not even going on the date. Another seemed fine to her, but Matty clearly didn”t like him, so it was the scrap heap for him, too. But Matty”s reaction was getting harder to read. Lately he had developed the attitude he so clearly presented to me, of manifestly not giving a shit whether I lived or died.

Over the last bite of Creme Brulee I suggested, “Matty might just be protecting himself against the pain he felt over Kevin. Touch the hot stove once and you keep your fingers away after that.”

“Hmm,” she said. “I didn”t think of it that way. Maybe he”s just keeping his shields up.”

“Star Trek reference. Nice,” I said. “Or maybe he just doesn”t like the cut of my jib.”

Susan pondered. “I think he”ll warm up over time, assuming you don”t screw up so bad tonight that there”s no second date!”

Well, there was a second date, then a third, then a fourth that ended with bacon and eggs in my condo the next morning. All that time Matty gave every appearance of total indifference to my existence on the planet. He wasn”t hostile, just indifferent. Come, go, live, die… who cares?

At this point I think I owe an explanation. Yes, I thought Susan with the long blond hair and the big azure eyes and the tight, gymnast”s physique was a beautiful and sexy woman, and smart and funny as all get out, and someone I could maybe be with for a long time, but I also thought her sweet, soft little son was the absolute ultimate in bone inducement; visual Viagra before my gaze. Those first three dates before Susan stayed over I went home alone and jacked myself furiously, but not thinking about her. It was beautiful little Matty I feasted upon in my mind, blowing loads like friggin” Old Faithful. That said, when I slept with Susan she was the only one in my head, and I was tremendously satisfied with that, too. Yes, of course because it was real and not mere fantasy, but also because I genuinely liked her and genuinely found her sexy, and she was quite good in bed.

Soon after discovering it about myself, in my early teens, I made up a word for my particular brand of sexuality, “Everysexual.” I”ve since learned that sex-research nerds use the word “pansexual,” “pan” meaning “across,” like a Pan-Asian restaurant serves food from all over Asia. Whatever word you use, it means I can have sexual interest in people from all four quadrants of humanity: man, woman, boy or girl. That doesn”t mean I”m a complete anyone-anytime-anywhere slut. I have my standards, and my preferences. But, a given individual from any category can occupy the top slot at any given time.

Though it”s very fluid, there are some general trends. Young boys and adult women are almost always my top two, damn near equally. Pre-pubertal girls are relegated to number three, but mainly because I”ve never actually been with one. The fantasies are great, though, and I”m quite sure if I ever did get to be with a very young girl I would really like it.

Men are a special category. I have had great sex with grown men many times, but it”s not something I actively pursue. It”s more like the opportunity presents itself and then I decide if I”m up for it or not. A couple of times a cute guy has flashed his baby blues at me, and though I hadn”t been thinking about sex at all, much less gay sex, it suddenly seemed like a great idea. Like that guy in the hotel elevator on my business trip to San Francisco, where a “Hey” and a “How”s it going?” turned into a weekend tour through the Kama Sutra. But generally when I people-watch it”s the boys, girls and women, especially in skimpy clothing, who catch my eye.

When Susan caught my eye she was covered neck to ankle in sky blue hospital scrubs, with her blond hair tied back in a pony tail and her azure eyes hidden behind big, clunky eye-protection goggles. I had brought my co-worker to the Emergency Room after a tragic break room bagel-slicing accident, and Susan was the nurse who irrigated the wound — I called it “washing” but Susan corrected me — in preparation for the doctor who would stitch it up

The only thing Susan advertised was a cute, shapely butt that the scrubs were kind enough to accentuate. That, and her wonderful, perky personality and gentle humor keeping my friend distracted while her hand was being stitched, was enough. I gave Susan my business card then and there, with my personal cell number written on the back, and amazingly she called.

Honestly, if Susan had actually been the childless single woman I assumed her to be she would have been enough for me, but when the pot was sweetened with a gorgeous preteen boy I was doubly smitten. I can still see him playing that video game in his little gym outfit, the visible parts of him so sweet and soft, his little bare feet up on the front edge of the coffee table as he wrangled the controller… Jesus Lord even his feet were beautiful, and I”m not at all into feet.

Well, there was that one time with a milk-white Irish twelve-year-old named Brian whose dainty little piggies were pink and plump and perfect for the purpose. He literally begged me to suck them, and since a good portion of my pleasure derives from giving pleasure, I agreed and passed a lovely half-hour meticulously washing and then vigorously tongue-worshiping every millimeter of his small, delicate, truly adorable tootsies. Though the act itself did nothing erotic for me, it so pleased him and got him so primed and ready for the main event that I still think back on that evening as one my favorite experiences.

Susan and I became an exclusive couple somewhere around week six, decided during a long post-coital joint-and-conversation interlude in my bed. Susan lamented the cost of babysitters, especially the overnight ones when she stayed at my place, and said it was time to move our overnights to her house. Matty was still ignoring me, and we agreed that something had to give, so she said she would sit him down for a talk.

The next Friday when I showed up at Susan”s house with my overnight bag I was prepared for… Well actually I had no idea what I was walking into. Susan had asked me to come later in the evening so she would have time to talk with Matty, and I was about to ask her for an update when the boy walked into the room and straight toward me. It was ridiculous of me, but I found myself frightened, and in that instant I realized an astounding truth: I wasn”t afraid of a negative reaction from Matty souring things between me and Susan. No, I realized that it was tremendously important to me that Matty accept me, that he like me, that he and I should have a warm, dare I hope loving, relationship. Yes, I wanted Susan, but I wanted Matty, too. He made the longest eye contact with me in all the time I”d known him.

“Hi,” he said. It was the first time he”d said that with anything in his voice other than boredom.

“Hi Matty,” I said. “How are you feeling?”

How are you feeling? What kind of stupid thing is that to say to a ten-year-old?

“Um, fine,” he said, confused and amused. “How are you feeling?”

“Stupid,” I said. “Right now I feel kind of stupid, because I just said How are you feeling? When I really meant something like, How ya doin”? Or, What”s up? Or really, just Hi Matty would have worked.”

The boy smiled, the first time he”d directed one of those at me, and I basked in it.

“You”re weird,” he said, and hastily added with a look at his Mom, “but in a good way.”

“Matty and I had a nice talk today,” Susan said.

“Yeah,” the boy said. “Adam, I”m sorry if I made it seem like I hated you or something. I don”t, you know. Mom says you guys are going to be together, and that”s tuzla escort OK with me.”

“Good,” I said. “Because you”re part of this equation too. It”s important that you”re OK with it.”

“It”s not exactly the way Mom said, that I didn”t want to care too much so it wouldn”t hurt if you went away,” Matty said. “It”s sort of like that, but not exactly.”

“Then what is it, Matty?” I asked.

“It was too late to not care,” he said, a little anguished. “I already liked you, right from that first night you came to the door. But I was afraid if I liked you too much I would jinx it like I did with Kevin and you would go away.”

“Oh, honey,” Susan said, putting an arm around him. “You didn”t make Kevin go away. I did.”

He looked up at her, his eyes watery.

“It just didn”t work out,” Susan said, pulling him into a hug. “It took me a while, but I finally figured out that Kevin wasn”t the right person for me. I needed to find a man that you and I both like a lot.”

“Like Adam?” he asked

“We”ll find out, won”t we? Go on upstairs and take your bath, OK?” Susan said. He didn”t protest. “Then put on your pajamas and you can watch TV with us until bedtime.”

When Matty was gone I sighed and said, “How do you like that? The kid treated me like shit because he wanted me to stay!”

“Don”t over-dramatize it,” she said. “He didn”t exactly treat you like shit.”

“No,” I conceded, “he didn”t. I guess I just wanted him to like me so much that I was frustrated that he wasn”t reciprocating.”

“I think that will change now,” Susan said. She melted into my arms and we kissed deeply. “Enough about that. Tonight we do it in my bed,” she said naughtily. “But very, very quietly!”

After a little slap and tickle I grabbed up my overnight bag and said I would go get settled. As I climbed the stairs I thought of sweet little Matty in the bathtub and felt myself having a familiar reaction. Something made me slow down and move more quietly as I reached the top of the stairs, and I followed the sound of the water running in the hall bathroom. My heart quickened as I realized that the door stood half open, and I oh-so-casually glanced inside.

There he was, gloriously naked, with his back to the door, bent over and testing the temperature of the water cascading out of the faucet. His sweet ass cheeks were round and pink and firm and just as perfect as in any of my fantasies about him. I could just make out the dusky, darker pink of his delectable little puckered butt hole and the back of the rounded scrotum between his thighs.

I stared, gobsmacked, as he turned off the water and stepped into the tub. He turned partially toward me and there was the object of my desire, the little wiener springing out from his hairless pubes in perpetual semi-tumescence. I sucked in my breath, and I don”t know if he heard that or if it was some instinct, but something made him look toward the door and he saw me

Shit! Twenty minutes in the house and I”d blown it already! Now I was the weirdo who peeks at little boys in the bathroom, and he”d tell Susan and in five minutes I”d be out on my ear, and I”d deserve it, too.

And then he smiled at me and lowered himself into the tub.

I could hardly believe it, but there was no adverse reaction of any kind. He settled himself into the hot water and lay back, exhaling deeply and resting his beautiful blond head against the back of the tub. I could see the tension melt out of him, and when he was quite relaxed he turned to me again and smiled dreamily.

“I actually like baths,” he said. “Is that weird for a kid? Sometimes I take a shower if I”m in a hurry, but mostly I like baths. The hot water feels good.”

He clearly liked the word “weird.”

“Nah, it”s not weird,” I said, still standing awkwardly in the hallway. “You get to like what you like, as long as it doesn”t hurt anybody else.”

“How could a bath hurt anyone else?”

“No,” I said, aware that I was babbling. “I meant for life in general, you know, you can do whatever you want as long as it doesn”t hurt anyone.” I willed myself to silence lest I say anything else stupid. God, this kid had me discombobulated.

“Hey Adam,” Matty said casually, as if naked boys conversing with men they barely know was an everyday occurrence. “Is my Mom up here?”

I shook my head. “No, Matty. She”s still downstairs.”

“Could you help me with something, then?” he asked.

I almost looked behind me to see if there was someone else he might be talking to. This kid who never gave me the time of day in six weeks of dating his Mom was asking me for help with bath time.

“Um, sure, pal,” I said, instantly regretting the word “pal,” which I always felt was condescending to kids. “Buddy” was another one. It was like calling an adult “Mac,” like the person isn”t significant enough to have an actual name, just a generic placeholder.

Matty sat forward in the tub and displayed his left shoulder blade to me. “See this colored blotch on my back?”

I came fully into the bathroom, inspecting the blotch, sure, but also sneaking another peek at the beautiful goodies nestled between his thighs. His dick was indisputably large by ten-year-old standards, though it was hard to tell exact dimensions in his current sitting-leaning-forward position. The head was round and broad, though, which hinted at a thick shaft. Either that or his dick head was considerably bigger than the shaft, as I”ve seen on a some guys — the old “golf ball on a tee.” I wouldn”t know for sure unless I was lucky enough to see it erect someday. I hoped for the proportionally thick shaft. I pictured it stretched out to about three inches, thick as my thumb, and my own tool began lurching to life.

“It”s a temporary tattoo,” he said, snapping my eyes back to his shoulder blade. “I got it at Tommy Beringer”s pool party for his birthday, and I guess I went in the pool too soon because all the colors ran together into this big mess. It was supposed to wear off in a few days, but it”s been a week already and I”ve been washing and washing but all I did was make it even bigger.”

“What was it when it was new?” I asked, taking up a washcloth and bath gel.

“A unicorn,” he said with just a tinge of distaste. “Tommy likes unicorns for some reason,” he went on. “Some of the guys tease him about it, but I figure everybody”s got something weird going on. Hey! Like you said! Tommy gets to like what he likes.”

I knelt next to the tub and applied the soapy washcloth to his shoulder blade.

“Scrub hard,” he instructed. “I can”t reach very well and I”ve just sort of been dragging the washcloth across it.”

“Which hasn”t accomplished much,” I finished for him.


I put my free hand on the front of his shoulder to steady him, which felt incredible. It was the first time I”d touched his skin and I intended to enjoy it as much as I possibly could. His shoulder was silky soft and moist from the hot bath, but firm with prepubescent muscle tone. I was fully, raging hard in my pants now, and I gazed down at his lovely little dick and balls while I scrubbed his shoulder blade, nearly lost in my reverie. The tattoo was coming off, but I didn”t want this contact to end, so I kept scrubbing twenty or thirty seconds longer than I needed to. In sudden inspiration I “accidentally” let the washcloth slip so that my bare hand slid across his soapy, smooth back a few strokes, as if it took that long to notice.

“So I guess you guys are making friends,” Susan”s voice came from right behind me. It scared the living crap out of me, but on the bright side it had the welcome effect of instantly deflating my telltale boner.

I jerked my head around to look at her, half expecting the very image of a mother”s wrath for the man touching her naked son, but she was smiling happily.

“Adam finally got that stupid tattoo off of me,” Matty said, grinning.

“Yes, I see that,” Susan said, giving me a teasing look. “Who knew the man had child care skills?”

I was sufficiently recovered to put the old public face back on. “I have bathed a few nieces and nephews in my day,” I said. “And changed diapers, and read bedtime stories, and rocked them to sleep.”

“Well, I don”t need my diaper changed,” Matty said, picking up on his Mom”s teasing. “But a good bedtime story might be nice.”

Susan”s look turned decidedly lascivious. “And one is never too old to be rocked to sleep.”

I jerked a look at Matty to see if he had picked up on that, but he wasn”t looking any more, having taken the washcloth and begun washing his face. I should have known Susan wouldn”t give me a look like that if Matty could have seen it.

“Come on,” she said. “Let”s leave Matty to it and get you settled.”

“Thanks, Adam!” the boy called. “That tattoo was driving me crazy.”

“You”re welcome, Matty,” I said with genuine fondness and followed Susan to the master bedroom.

I really wasn”t only into Matty for his body, you know. I really did like him. It was just a bonus that he was as hot as black vinyl car seats in August.

“He”s certainly not shy about his body,” I said.

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“I brought him up that way,” Susan said proudly. “I think it”s ridiculous that kids should be taught that the one beautiful thing they bring into the world with them is something to be ashamed of. I”ve been a nurse for fourteen years and I”ve seen literally hundreds of people”s so-called private parts. And guess what? They all look the same! Well, mostly. There was one guy who came into the ER with a groin injury and when we got his pants off I almost called Animal Control. I thought it was a goddamn anaconda! But ninety-nine percent of them are just the same. So we all go around hiding the exact same thing from each other, even though we all know what it is and what it looks like!”

Susan was getting a little worked up over the subject, and I too was warming to a discussion of childhood nudity.

“When I was a kid,” I said, “all the boys changed and showered together in gym class and at the YMCA. Yes, everybody checked each other out, but it was normal and it let kids see that they aren”t different or strange. I see kids in the locker room at the pool or wherever these days and they”re scared to death that somebody”s going to see their wiener, like it would be the worst thing in the world. What kind of attitude is that fostering?”

“I”ve taught Matty since he was old enough to know what pants are,” she said, “that you dress for other people”s modesty, not your own. You don”t want to offend anyone, but it”s not because your body is shameful or sinful. It”s because some people hold, well, idiotic beliefs and are offended by the human body. That, and of course you dress for practical reasons. You wear shoes so you don”t hurt your feet, and you wear a sweater when it”s cold.”

“Still,” I said, “I”m very happy that he trusted me enough to invite me into the bathroom. Hell, an hour ago I didn”t think he even liked me.”

“Don”t be too flattered,” she said. “He bathes in front of Gina, too, though of course she babysits and has three younger brothers. She”s seen plenty of little wieners in her young life.”

“Do you let him see you naked?” I asked.

“Not on purpose,” she said. “but if it happens I don”t make a big deal. That”s the whole point, that it”s not a big deal. Just last week he came into my room when I was walking out of my bathroom after a shower, and I made no attempt to cover up. A shower is an appropriate time to be naked, and though he should have knocked before he came in, I didn”t scold him. I usually dry my hair before putting anything on, to let my skin air-dry a little, and so I did. He and I talked for several minutes while I was buck naked.”

“Would you ever go to a nudist resort?” I asked with a sly smile, mostly teasing and expecting her to be shocked.

“Been there, done that!” she said, grinning.

“Really?” I said, tantalized.

“Well, sort of,” she said. “Right after graduating Nursing school I took a trip to celebrate with one of my fellow BSNs to Negril, Jamaica…”

“I”m sorry,” I interrupted. “I”m familiar with BFFs, but I don”t know BSNs.”

“Bachelor of Science, Nursing,” she explained. “It”s a four-year Nursing degree instead of the usual two-year.”

“Oh,” I said. “Fancy-schmancy.”

“A little schmancy,” she said. “You can get a Masters, too, if you keep going, and a bunch of other advanced degrees. Maybe I”ll get back to that someday.”

“So what about Negril?”

“The resort had a special nude sunbathing area,” she said. “Not on the actual beach, but a separate area surrounded by trees. Michelle and I went there three times that week.”

“Wow,” I said.

“Yeah, we…”

“No, no, don”t talk,” I said. “I”m trying to picture it. What does Michelle look like?”

“Oh, you!” she said, laughing and mock-slapping my shoulder.

“Seriously, though,” I said, “was it strange, with, like, old pervs trying to get a look at you?”

“No, not at all,” she said. “Part of it may be that a resort like that caters mainly to young people, but there were a few older couples and even two or three families with young kids.”

I felt my interest rise, but didn”t let it show on my face. “What, like toddlers?”

“No, like maybe six, seven,” she said, “and one boy who must have been at least ten. And it wasn”t their first time either, because they were already tan all over!”

I immediately flashed on an image of little Matty romping nude in the sun, his tasty buns a delicious golden brown. I tried to sound nonchalant when I asked, “Would you ever take Matty to a place like that?”

Susan didn”t hesitate. “I wouldn”t be opposed to it,” she said. “If he wanted to go, of course.”

“To a place like what?” came Matty”s high voice. He was standing just outside the door, pulling on the tops of his light blue shorty pajamas. He looked astoundingly cute with his still-damp uncombed hair, and though I”d seen lots of boys wear briefs underneath, the clingy, sheer fabric of these summer PJs clearly showed that Matty did not.

“To a nudist resort,” Susan said matter-of-factly. “Do you know what the word nudist means?”

“I know what nude means,” he said.

“Yes, and nude-ist refers to people who believe that it”s healthy and natural for people to go without clothes on,” she said.

“Go where without clothes on?” he asked.

“Well,” she said, “In most public places it”s against the law to not have clothes on. So these nudist people have special private resorts where it”s OK to be nude.”

Matty thought for a moment. “And kids go there, too?” he asked.

“Sure,” I piped in. “Whole families go together, on vacation. They swim, and play volleyball and have picnics… You know, vacation.”

“Hmm,” Matty mused. “Don”t they get sunburned?”

Susan smiled. “They wear sun screen,” she said.

“Yeah, SPF forty-two thousand,” I joked, and they both laughed, but from the look in Matty”s eyes I knew he didn”t actually understand. I was gratified, though, that he forced a laugh, because I knew he did it to please me. It was genuine progress.

“Everybody runs around outside with no clothes on?” he asked.

“Yes they do,” Susan said. “That”s the whole point.”

“Sounds like fun to me! I”ll go there, Mom,” he said, “If you guys want to.”

Us guys? So now I”m included in family vacations? Jesus, I went from “Who cares?” to part of the family unit in half an hour. Talk about progress!

“We”re not talking about actually going,” Susan said. “We were just discussing the concept.”

“Well, if you ever want to go I”ll come with,” he said. “Are you coming down to watch TV?”

We said we were and Matty hurried out and down the stairs. His bedtime was normally nine o”clock but because of my late arrival Susan had granted him an additional hour, and he apparently wanted every second of screen time. We let him pick the show, some lame sitcom featuring very young teenagers on the Disney Channel. You know the kind of show, where the kids are much smarter than the adults, and even though the kids make bad decisions and get into trouble, they learn their lesson and everything is candy canes and roses by the end. I had to admit, though, that those thirteen-year-old actors looked mighty delicious.

Matty started out lying on his stomach on the floor, but being a ten-year-old he soon began to fidget and changed positions so many times he was practically break-dancing.

“Matty, come on,” Susan said. “Sit up here on the couch like a normal person.” She scooted away from my side about a foot. “Here, slide in right between us.”

Matty seemed very pleased to do so, and in a second I had major body contact with a warm, soft boy wearing only the world”s sheerest shorty pajamas that left nothing to the imagination. He leaned his sweet head on his Mom”s shoulder, and in Sir Isaac Newton”s famous equal and opposite reaction, it forced his scantily-clad butt firmly against my side. My pulse was beginning to pound as his heat came through the shorts like they didn”t exist, but Susan”s proximity kept my penis from pounding in rhythm, which was definitely a saving grace. After a while I even felt emboldened enough to let the back of my hand fall carelessly against his fresh, smooth, bare thigh, and I enjoyed this simple touch for what felt like a long time, but was really only a minute before I chickened out and retreated. But boy, it was one exquisite minute!

Presently the Disney credits rolled and Matty was packed off to bed. “Goodnight Mom,” he said as he craned his neck up for one of those full-on mouth kisses, and then he turned to me and hesitated with something like indecision in his eyes. Then suddenly the moment was over and Matty scrambled off the couch and called over his shoulder as he ran to the stairs, “G”night Adam!”

He didn”t look back when I said, “Good night, Matty,” feeling as warm toward him as I ever had to any kid. One could do worse than this sort of domestic bliss.

Susan and I watched another hour of television, though it could be more accurately described as making out by the light of the TV, and then we were up the stairs for the promised very, very quiet lovemaking. I found it a little disconcerting that Matty kept intruding into my thoughts as I thrust into her, but at least I managed not to blurt out his name when I came.

Next time:

Adam gets a whole lot more Matty in his life.

If you enjoy my writing please let me know by emailing me at ail and I will do my best to reply quickly. Also, you can find my archived stories here on my Prolific Authors page.

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