Power Versus Submission Ch. 03: Infiltrated


This story is a continuation of my previous book called Balance of Power where a school social worker submits to a teenaged schoolgirl Bully getting in far deeper than she ever intended. While it has been written with the stand-alone reader in mind, your enjoyment of the following will most likely be enhanced if you read Balance of Power first. Also this will make a lot more sense if you’ve read the previous two chapters! All my characters are 18 and older.


David and I are soul mates.

We started, um, ‘going out’ to use an old term, in our senior year and I was his date to our formal that year. We weren’t the hottest looking kids in school, in fact everything about us screamed out average, we were those kids that had found each other at a young age and had been inseparable ever since. My bullies in high school had moved on by the time David and I started dating, and we would just fade into the background, barely even noticeable. The night of our formal in senior year was the most magical of our lives. He took my virginity, and I’m quite certain I took his.

A lot of the time girls will tell you that losing their virginity wasn’t that special, in the back of a car, with a clumsy teenager who didn’t know what he was doing, or so nervous about being in that position, that they were unable to enjoy it. Those girls should try losing it to the boy they love. Our night was that wonderful, sure we were both tentative and experimenting to a point but by now we knew each other’s bodies quite well, we knew what worked and what didn’t and David knew instinctively when to penetrate me. He was such a caring lover, he went slowly with me, no doubt savouring his version of the new sensations that I was also feeling. He kept asking me if I was okay as we kissed while he slowly slid in and around my vagina.

Just as I was about to go crazy with lust he asked me if I was ready and as I groaned in agreement he put his mouth back on mine our tongues intertwined and then he thrust powerfully into me. Virginity shattered. Sure it hurt for a second but my god the pleasure was too much, it had overridden the pain so quickly that by the time he was ready to ejaculate, I was on the verge of orgasm myself. The way he talked to me so gently that night, so lovingly and always encouraging me, telling me that everything was going to be fine and he would never hurt me deliberately has stayed with me forever.

It was no surprise when I missed my next period. Something so perfect, so beautiful, so natural, so unprotected had to produce life. It was never our intention for me to get pregnant so young and it did cause a lot of angst especially around my family but David was so keen and ready to support that when beautiful little Carly did come along, our perfect bundle of joy, we were both ready.

David’s balding now, and a little overweight. He has lost some of his boyhood charm no doubt but then again I know I have lost a lot of my girly charm as well. But at home together none of that matters, we talk so easily and conversation is never difficult with him. I look at David now in the same way I did way back then, but instead of that handsome man I married that adorn our walls in every room, I see his little imperfections, the things that make David the man he has grown into, the way his lip curls when he smiles and that hearty laugh of his. I adore every single little part of it. Sure we have had our disagreements, who hasn’t, but then we talk our way through it, trust me it’s always best to be honest.

And that’s what was making dinner tonight so difficult.

Tahlia had given me a week off from obeying her rules and submitting to her and I knew this was an easy opportunity for me to spend time with David so we agreed to go out for dinner to try and reconnect. The past week had been difficult and left me physically and mentally exhausted. Not only had I been assaulted, raped and betrayed, all of which was recorded for sale through a website on the dark web, Tahlia had arranged for a friend of hers, a stripper, to seduce my Husband, seemingly behind my back but right in front of my very eyes. My blackmail now and submission to Tahlia was bound so tight that I could see no other way than do as I was told and be her good girl.

Up until last week I secretly enjoyed it anyway, didn’t I?

I definitely don’t enjoy the secrets I am being forced to keep from David although we both had them now, and we both knew each other did, it was like an elephant in the room, but we had to tread around them. It was uncomfortable and upsetting. I’d been lying to him for over a month now, since my submission to Tahlia, whereas his lies about his meetings with Tahlia’s stripper friend Shandi have only just surfaced in the past few days. And I think he had a good idea that there was something much more significant going on with me than just trying to deal with a couple of unlawful bullies at work.

The things David and I really needed to talk about though, the lies we were Beylikdüzü escort both living, weren’t things we could talk about in a restaurant over dinner. So we made small talk about friends and family and for the first time in my life I actually felt uncomfortable with my husband.

Eventually though one of us would have to bring it up, I knew enough background to know that he was the one being seduced, that Tahlia was secretly pulling those strings with her stripper friend and that I couldn’t accuse him of anything, not after all that I had done this past month. And of course in so far as David knew I had actually arranged for his first meeting with her at the strip club.

‘I still can’t believe you arranged for me to get that lap dance the other night hun. You know how much I appreciated the thought and how much I really didn’t think it was appropriate but you were just so insistent, I just think back on it now and it just shows me how much I mean to you and how much you trust me to go somewhere like that as a special treat for me from you, well, it makes me feel all gooey,’ he laughed awkwardly.

Of course what David didn’t know was that I didn’t think it was appropriate either. But Tahlia made a lot of my decisions for me now and I was helpless to stop her texting him from my phone, David thinking it was me the whole time. I actually hated the thought of this friend of Tahlia’s grinding herself all over him, doing things to his body which I could probably never do myself, rubbing her (most likely) big fake tits in his face and grinding her crotch into his lap. I thought of his erection, something that really had only ever been for me until now, that he would be aroused by her, sexually aroused by another woman for the first time, someone younger than me, fitter than me, and undoubtedly given our age difference prettier than me.

Despite my jealousy though, despite my regret, I laughed along,

‘I’m so glad you liked it Dave. It wasn’t my idea initially, Tahlia asked me if I ever did anything special for you at one of our meetings, and I couldn’t think of anything I’d done to make you feel really special lately so she said she had read about it in a magazine and thought it was a great idea. At first, I was the same as you, I didn’t really like the idea of another Woman grinding her sexy body up against yours, but then the more I thought about it, the more I thought about not having given you a really great surprise lately . . . well to be frank I don’t know what come over me!’

Part of us being us as a couple is that we chat honestly about things all the time, our lives, our jobs we share everything. We always had that great connection where we were totally comfortable in each other’s company and that included often talking with David about the girls I was counselling through my work, he obviously knew of Denny from the time she spent at home and I had also told him about Tahlia (not about my submission to her though!) so for me to admit it was her idea wouldn’t have been too surprising for him.

There was more nervous laughter from us both. The whole setting just seemed really awkward to me.

‘But you know the best thing Dave? The most I got out of it? How I knew it was the right thing to do? It was your reaction afterwards when I saw you the next day. You were so happy with me. I could tell you loved it and I couldn’t wait to get you back in our own bedroom that night just as a reminder that while she might be a good dancer or whatever, I am still your lover. Soul mates for life right?’

David raised his glass and we clinked together,

‘Yes hun definitely. Soul mates for life.’

While we were on the subject I had to bring it up with him though, their second meeting just the other night, Tahlia had forced me to allow it when Shandy invited David over to check out her new apartment. In my mind that was definitely a euphemism for something else.

‘So how about your second visit with her then David, that wasn’t my idea though was it?’

His eyes narrowed briefly. It probably didn’t come out as I expected, more accusingly than I intended, but I was angry and hurt about the second meeting, that he could even bring it up with me. It’s one thing coming from Tahlia where I am forced to agree but to come from him, well that did feel like cheating to me. Then again I had to keep checking myself, I had cheated on him many times in the past month first with Denny, and then forced on other occasions by Tahlia.

‘You know that was totally innocent Robin. I told you at the time she needed some help with some fittings around her apartment. She said she knew of you through her friendship with Tahlia.’

He looked me dead in the eye as he continued,

‘Shandi said she hadn’t met you yet but had heard a lot about you and that I should tell you that Tahlia said she didn’t think you would mind if I went around there.’

It was like he was testing me. It didn’t escape me that’s exactly what Denny told Carly to say to me last week if Beylikdüzü escort she ever wanted to challenge me. David looked at me and held my stare I guess to gauge my reaction to that little titbit of information the stripper had given him about my submission to Tahlia. I had to fight back the tears as I looked down at my plate and picked at some long finished and gone cold scraps that had yet to be cleared away by the waiters.

This week off had been a godsend for me. I really badly needed it. Little did I realise just how emotionally drained I had become being forced to serve Tahlia the way I have. How badly being raped by Dani affected me. And just that little line from David, maybe delivered innocently, perhaps sinister, was enough to trigger my emotions from everything that happened last week. He eventually caught my eye and I think was immediately ridden with guilt when he realised he had upset me,

‘Look Robin. Please don’t be upset. Why would you not trust me now? I only met Shandi in the first place at your invitation. Why would I throw everything away that we have together for a slimy little sling with a stripper? It was never my intention to go any further than that first night that you arranged. It was Shandi that asked me about her fittings and by the looks of it now I should have obviously said no but I thought we trusted each other? Soul mates, yeah?’

I faked a smile and nodded without replying.

‘I know something has happened with you Robin. These girls have got the better of you somehow, I can sense that. Until now you had never taken a week off work in your life. You love that job and the interactions you have. Even the difficult times you’d come home and tell me and we would talk about it. But with this current lot, and I think it probably has something to do with Tahlia and Denny, something is totally different. This past couple of weeks I’ve never seen you so upset. You’ve barely talked to me at all about them or whatever happened to upset you like this. I’m just worried about you Robin. I love you, don’t ever forget that, and with that love comes a hurt that I only ever feel when I get the sense you are hiding things from me. Let me pick up the bill hun and we’ll go home so you can let it all out, okay?’

I loved this man so much!

Tears fell silently as I faked another smile at him and nodded. Perhaps he did care after all. I so badly wanted to tell him everything, sure that he would try to help and protect me. Like he always had. But then again I had never got myself into trouble like this before. Not with schoolgirls. Not with the people I am entrusted to help. What if he couldn’t protect me though, I still had the contract I signed. Movies to be made. My heart sank as I realised even more clearly now than I had all week, only Tahlia could protect me, David was useless.

As soon as we got home David hugged me tightly. We had chatted some more in the car but once again, it was just like in the restaurant, we danced around the important stuff. I hugged him back just as tightly, I really needed to feel his warmth and strength right there. I whispered in his ear,

‘Remember our first night together Dave? It was the best my night of my life and still is. I loved you so much back then and I still love you just as much now, I am really grateful to have you in my life baby and are sorry I arranged that night at the strippers. I let Tahlia make me think it would be a good idea which was silly really, she is just a girl what would she know about marriage? It put you in such a tough spot, letting another Woman grind against you and make you feel the way only I had ever made you feel in the past.’

I grabbed his cheeks in my hands and forced him to look in my eyes while we hugged,

‘Please never leave me David. I love you so much!’

And then I broke down. Pulling away from our cuddle I apologised for being so upset and rushed to our bedroom.

Denny was staying at our house again. As is often the case now she was in with Carly, in her bedroom, with the door firmly closed. I had strict instruction from Tahlia that whenever Denny was here and they had shut the door that I was under no circumstances to interrupt them. Of course I was desperate to know what was going on in there, a shameful little piece of me probably even wished I could be a part of it, that’s how corrupted I had become since my submission to Tahlia.

I also had significant concerns for the way my relationship with Carly had started to decline since I introduced her to Denny. Carly and I have always had a close relationship, all my family has, especially with her being an only child. It goes without saying that she means the world to me and I am proud to say that I consider her my best friend these days as well as my daughter. She is at an age now where we can chat about things, almost like sisters having successfully treaded that teenage period where I needed to transition from being an authority figure to her confidante.

But this past week things Escort Beylikdüzü had changed. Suddenly I was being challenged by her, nothing too noticeable at first but she was being quite assertive in the way she spoke to me. It started off with little things like asking me to get her a drink of water when we were sitting together watching a movie. And quickly escalated to challenging me to do other things for her. Just basic stuff, like can you get that or do this for me, but it was noticeable. It wasn’t usually a request either, with a please or a thank you, more like an order, that she simply expected I would get her anything she wanted.

So I was actually surprised a few moments later when it wasn’t David that arrived at my door to try and comfort me but instead Denny. I know it shouldn’t and yes I am ashamed to admit it but my heart beat a little faster when I looked up and saw it was her, I was still in love despite our forced separation and my acknowledgement that she is just a schoolgirl, the same age as my daughter.

She walked over and knelt down beside the bed so that we could be at eye level before taking my hand with a comforting squeeze.

‘Rough night, huh?’

I nodded.

‘It’s your week off Robbie, you don’t have to tell me anything. I’m only here as a friend of Carly’s but when I heard you crying I thought I should check at least to see what’s upsetting you.’

I knew David was likely to walk in at any moment. He cared for me more than Denny and I couldn’t imagine what his reaction would be to this scene,

‘We can’t talk here Den. I’ll try to be okay I promise, I’m just really frightened that I’m in this position now where the only person I know who can protect me from making more films is Tahlia. I’m basically at her mercy, yet now she is trying to take from me the only person I have ever loved in my entire life.’

Denny let go of my hand and brushed the hair back from my face,

‘Once you’re back on Saturday Robbie we are going to have to work on your attitude. It’s the same lesson I tried to teach you last week, you have to trust us, trust that the pleasure and good times we bring you are totally worth the sacrifices you have to make along the way.’

She patted me on the cheek as she stood up, it actually felt really condescending,

‘I have to go back to Carly now. Trust us Robbie, if Tahlia didn’t like you things would be so much different. But she does like you, you have to believe that, and we will look after you.’

She smiled gently at me and placed a quick kiss on my cheek before she skipped out of my room back to whatever it was her and Carly were up to now. When I looked into her eyes I could only smile. And despite the darkness in my room with the light off, her cute little dimples flooded her face as she smiled back. I sighed, rolled over onto my back and stared up at my ceiling.

I knew it was true what Tahlia had told me about Denny when I begged her to allow me to call her last week. Denny was in on it all, from the videoing of that very first day and my assault on Dani, to the film contract, to my rape, Denny knew everything Tahlia had planned for me. And now in that period that Tahlia had forced us to be apart she was actually taking an active involvement in separating me from my daughter. Encouraging her to spend time with Brad while also trying to seduce her in my very own home.

I should be as intimidated by her as I am Tahlia, she was just as integral to my downfall as both Flea and Tay. I really had to find a way to protect Carly from her as well but I knew that my daughter was likely just as naïve as her Mother and was being bound by the same spell that came across me when Denny first took over as my Mistress.

I feared for what they were doing with Carly. Was Denny seducing her in an attempt to try and turn her away from me? Or was she actively pushing her toward Brad as per Tay’s instruction knowing how badly I don’t wish them to be together? Or were they both integrating her into their group to be humiliated somehow once she found out the truth about me and Tahlia and Denny? One thing was sure, Tahlia had said she would invade every aspect of my life from the very first day and now Denny had infiltrated our family structure I was going to find it increasingly difficult to do anything about it.

David did arrive a few minutes after and just laid beside me staring into the dark. We were both fully clothed as I felt him reach over and lace his fingers between mine, he held me tightly. Sometimes as couples, when you’ve been together as long as we have, nothing needs to be said. It was nice for him to comfort me so silently. At least this way neither of us would be lying to one another . . .

Even though Tahlia had given me this week off from serving her and her friends personally, I could sense there was still a lot going on behind the scenes. Despite the dinner David and I had together, despite his reassurance, Shandi was working away in the background, sexting him, teasing him, seducing him. I stopped short of going through his phone but when you know someone like I know David I can tell when we’re sitting together at home lounging around watching a movie how his body language reacts when he receives a text from her.

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